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Second and Lateran
In 1139, Bernard assisted at the Second Council of the Lateran.
Because clerics resisted it, the celibacy mandate was restated at the Second Lateran Council ( 1139 ) and the Council of Trent ( 1545 – 64 ).
29 of the Second Lateran Council under Pope Innocent II in 1139 banned the use of crossbows against Christians.
Celibacy among the clergy is a relavtively recent practice: it became Church policy at the Second Lateran Council in 1139.
The Roman Catholic Church recognizes as ecumenical various councils held later than the First Council of Ephesus ( after which churches out of communion with the Holy See because of the Nestorian Schism did not participate ), later than the Council of Chalcedon ( after which there was no participation by churches that rejected Dyophysitism ), later than the Second Council of Nicaea ( after which there was no participation by the Eastern Orthodox Church ), and later than the Fifth Council of the Lateran ( after which groups that adhered to Protestantism did not participate ).
Second Council of the Lateran ( 1139 ) reaffirmed Lateran I and addressed clerical discipline ( dress, marriages ).
This rule was changed by the Second Lateran council of 1139.
By the Second Lateran council of 1139, at which King Roger II of Sicily, Innocent II's most uncompromising foe, was excommunicated, peace was at last restored to the Church.
* 1139: in April, the Second Lateran Council ends the papal schism.
* Second Council of the Lateran: The Anacletus schism is settled, and priestly celibacy is made mandatory in the Catholic Church.
The Second Lateran Council in 1139 prohibited the use of crossbows against other Christians, although it did not prevent its use against non-Christians.
The Second Council of the Lateran is believed to have been the Tenth Ecumenical Council by Roman Catholics.
* Second Lateran Council
He went to Rome for his pallium and took part in the Second Lateran Council.
Apart from earlier dogmatic declarations given in the Second Synod of Orange of 529 and in the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 ( see Denzinger, 191, 430 ), the Council of Trent upheld the traditional doctrine of merit by insisting that life everlasting is both a grace and a reward ( Sess.
Sixteen years later, the Second Lateran Council ( 1139 ), in which some five hundred bishops took part, enacted the following canons:
However, although the decrees of the Second Council of the Lateran might still be interpreted in the older sense of prohibiting marriage only after ordination, they came to be understood as absolute prohibitions, and, while the fact of being married was formally made a canonical impediment to ordination only with the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the prohibition of marriage for all clerics in major orders began to be taken simply for granted.
The New Catholic Encyclopedia states: " The Second Lateran Council ( 1139 ) seems to have enacted the first written law making sacred orders a diriment impediment to marriage for the universal Church.
While the 11th century Gregorian Reform's campaign against clerical marriage and concubinage met strong opposition, by the time of the Second Lateran Council it had won widespread support from lay and ecclesiastical leaders.
Innocent II quickly convened the Second Lateran Council in 1139 and reinforced the Church's teachings against usury, clerical marriage, and other problems.
The Second Council of the Lateran in 1139 removed the requirement that the assent of the lower clergy and the laity be obtained, while the Third Council of the Lateran in 1179 gave equal rights to the entire College of Cardinals when electing a new pope.
* History of Italy: National Fascist Party, March on Rome, Italian Empire, Corfu incident, Second Italo-Abyssinian War, Lateran Treaty, and Invasion of Albania

Second and Council
* 1962 – Representatives from the Russian Orthodox Church and Vatican City meet in Metz, France, and come to an agreement wherein the Russian church would send observers to the Second Vatican Council and in exchange, the Roman Catholic Church would refuse to condemn Communism.
In 381, at the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, a group of mainly Eastern bishops assembled and accepted the Nicene Creed of 381, which was supplemented in regard to the Holy Spirit, as well as some other changes: see Comparison between Creed of 325 and Creed of 381.
The teaching of the Second Vatican Council on apostolic succession has been summed up as follows:
From the early Middle Ages until after the Second Vatican Council the sacrament was administered, within the Latin Church, only when death was approaching and, in practice, bodily recovery was not ordinarily looked for, giving rise, as mentioned above to the name " Extreme Unction " ( i. e. final anointing ).
Following the death of his son Leo IV in 780, the empress Irene restored the veneration of images through the agency of the Second Council of Nicaea in 787.
# REDIRECT Second Vatican Council
This argument is based on the view that the surviving anti-Treaty members of the Second Dáil delegated their " authority " to the IRA Army Council in 1938.
Much more than the Second Council of Nicaea ( 787 ) the Council fathers of Trent stressed the pedagogical purpose of Christian images.
After the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican ( Vatican II ) closed in 1965, it became apparent that the Code would need to be revised in light of the documents and theology of Vatican II.
After the Second Vatican Council many missionary orders aimed at converting Jews to Christianity no longer actively sought to missionize ( or proselytize ) among Jews.
The Council of Chalcedon was convened by Emperor Marcian, with the reluctant approval of Pope Leo the Great, to set aside the 449 Second Council of Ephesus, better known as the " Robber Council ".
On August 8, 449 the Second Council of Ephesus began its first session with Dioscorus presiding by command of the Emperor.
St. Cyril received an important recognition of his preachingss by the Second Council of Constantinople ( 553 d. C .) which declared ;
There was an opinion in the Church that viewed that perhaps the Council understood the Church of Alexandria correctly, but wanted to curtail the existing power of the Alexandrine Hierarch, especially after the events that happened several years before at Constantinople from Pope Theophilus of Alexandria towards Patriarch John Chrysostom and the unfortunate turnouts of the Second Council of Ephesus in AD 449, where Eutichus misled Pope Dioscorus and the Council in confessing the Orthodox Faith in writing and then renouncing it after the Council, which in turn, had upset Rome, especially that the Tome which was sent was not read during the Council sessions.

Second and is
Command's new Brahms Second is a major effort to make a record that sounds like a real orchestra rather than a copy of one.
Second, what is its concentration in normal circumstances and in what circumstances will this concentration depart from the normal level and in which direction??
Second, they believed it important to determine the fate of the captain -- a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps, on American towns and counties, on a great American river, and on half a million square miles of Arctic seas.
Second, if there is ever a perfect time to pull the rug out from under him, it's on maneuvers.
Second, the attitude in Jewish families is far more protective toward the daughter than toward the son.
A little parable illustrative of this truth is afforded by an incident related by Professor Bela Vasady at the end of the Second World War.
* 1846 – The Second Federal Republic of Mexico is established.
Christian eschatology is concerned with death, an intermediate state, Heaven, Hell, the Second Coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, a rapture, a tribulation, the Millennium, end of the world, the last judgment, a new heaven and a new earth, and the ultimate consummation of all of God's purposes.
Another recent example is the 60 Years of the Second Republic commemorative coin issued by Austria in 2005.
* 1900 – The Battle of Elands River during the Second Boer War ends after a 13-day siege is lifted by the British.
* 1994 – Eugene Bullard, the only black pilot in World War I, is posthumously commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.
* 49 BC – Julius Caesar's general Gaius Scribonius Curio is defeated in the Second Battle of the Bagradas River by the Numidians under Publius Attius Varus and King Juba of Numidia.
* 1952 – The Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty ( Treaty of Taipei ) is signed in Taipei, Taiwan between Japan and the Republic of China to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War.
* 1915 – The use of poison gas in World War I escalates when chlorine gas is released as a chemical weapon in the Second Battle of Ypres.
* 1799 – The entire Dutch fleet is captured by British forces under the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby and Admiral Sir Charles Mitchell during the Second Coalition of the French Revolutionary Wars.
Second, it is " merely an interpretative provision ", operating to ensure that references to " the Queen " in the Constitution are references to whoever may at the time be the incumbent of the " sovereignty of the United Kingdom " as determined with regard to Australia, following the Australia Act 1986, by Australian law.
The armoured personnel carrier ( APC ) is a relatively recent development, stemming from trials and experiences during the Second World War.
The War Memorial House is dedicated to the war dead from Acadia University during the Second World War
Adventism is a Christian movement which began in the 19th century, in the context of the Second Great Awakening revival in the United States.
Berg is remembered as one of the most important composers of the 20th century and to date is the most widely performed opera composer among the Second Viennese School.
Aberdare was the birthplace of the Second World War poet Alun Lewis, and there is a plaque commemorating him, including a quotation from his poem The Mountain over Aberdare.
: The publisher of this book states, " The standard Jewish view is that prophecy ended with the ancient prophets, somewhere early in the Second Temple era.
The legend is linked to an idea in the Book of Revelation ( 3: 12 and 21: 2 ) describing a Second Coming, wherein Jesus establishes a new Jerusalem.
Second, what is it going to be about?

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