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Page "Fort Montgomery (Hudson River)" ¶ 1
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Some Related Sentences

These and men
These men are not callous.
These new pictures focussed on the familiar and commonplace objects that he had heard the men in his prison camp talking about as the things they missed most, hence associated with the sense of lost freedom: the cafe at the corner, the newspaper kiosk, the girls in doorways and windows along the street, the golden-crusted French bread they lacked, the cigarettes denied them.
These men are spenders.
These expenditures are estimated to be $12.1 billion, an increase of $187 million over 1960, reflecting additional longevity pay of career personnel, more dependents, an increased number of men drawing proficiency pay, and social security tax increases ( effective for the full year in 1961 compared with only 6 months in 1960 ).
These were educated men, who, as Mr. Justice Holmes was fond of saying, formed their inductions out of experience under the burden of responsibility.
These men are considered managers of engineers.
These 1750 cases were carted off in a one-night operation by the O'Banion men, who left in their stead the same number of barrels filled with water.
These men were without capital or experience.
These men -- for the most part educated in our `` best '' New England colleges, well established financially and socially in the community -- under kindly but insistent probing, reveal little or no objective or explicit criteria or data for their generalizations about the interests and attitudes of the people they claim to serve, or about the public responses that actually follow their occasional breach of a `` client-service relationship ''.
" These Teutons or Teuton men appear to have been in Angeln and the land around it.
These songs were typically performed while adjusting the rigging, raising anchor, and other tasks where men would need to pull in rhythm.
These four young Hebrew men were taken captive in one of the Babylonian raids against Judah in 605 BC.
These were militarily far weaker, as Strabo assessed their combined military potential at just 40, 000 armed men, and were often involved in internecine warfare.
The only difference is that in the chorus, instead of singing " These are men, America's best ", they sing " These are men, The Netherlands ' best ".
* The Croatian Bojna za specijalna djelovanja ( BSD ) use the lyrics, but instead of " These are men, America's best " they sing " These are men, Croatia's best " and in the final chorus, referring to the son of a killed Green Beret, they also sing " Make him one of Croatia's best ".
These include Quanterness chambered cairn ( 3250 BC ) in which the remains of 157 individuals were found when excavated in the 1970s, Cuween Hill near Finstown which was found to contain the bones of men, dogs and oxen and Wideford Hill cairn, which dates from 2000 BC.
These letters were intended to reach men and women of her circle, increasingly widening her audience to include figures in authority as she begged for peace between the republics and principalities of Italy and for the return of the Papacy from Avignon to Rome.
These men received additional pay ranging from $ 36 to $ 45 per month depending on their rating.
These were men suited to dealing with petitions, requests, correspondence, legal affairs, and foreign embassies.

These and were
These were the ones Keith sought out -- the loners, the ones who killed for the joy of it, like himself.
These were the last words he ever uttered.
These two were going to be easy pickins.
These performances were being staged at historical monuments throughout Europe.
These were Oneida Indians.
These conceptions and the manner in which they were transposed into poetry or engendered by poetic form are intrinsic to western life from the time of Aeschylus to that of Shakespeare.
These basic ideas concerning the nature of religion were, Adams believed, some of the major keys to the understanding of history and the movement of society.
These were his public academic activities, domi forisque, in the college and in the university.
These early experiments were evidently not altogether satisfying to Patchen.
These people were not talking much about it, but you, a foreigner, sensed their apprehension and disappointment.
These public efforts were rare because Mr. Rayburn normally did his counseling, persuading and educating long before an issue reached its test on the House floor.
These microfossils indicate the swamp was `` formed during the Lower Cretaceous period when dinosaurs were at their heyday and when the first flowering plants were just appearing.
These were heroes nine feet tall to him ''.
These little songs, however, were sweet nothings from the heart, tender memories of his childhood, little melodies that anyone could hum and that would make one want to weep.
These were the ships of His Majesty's Navy, herding the hulks of the East Indies merchants and the yachts and ketches of the loyalists.
These trumps were more touching than they were anything else, and seemed to imply that the nights were long, her children ungrateful, and her marriage bewilderingly threadbare.
These were selected carefully and included not only detailed clinical information but adequate pathology of value for research and educational purposes.
These amendments to the Vocational Rehabilitation Act were designed to help provide for more specialized rehabilitation facilities, for more sheltered and `` half-way '' workshops, for greater numbers of adequately trained personnel, for more comprehensive services to individuals ( particularly to the homebound and the blind ), and for other administrative improvements to increase the program's overall effectiveness.
These plans, like Du Pont's, contained provisions for passing the vote on Du Pont's General Motors shares on to the ultimate stockholders of Du Pont, Christiana, and Delaware, except that officers and directors of the three companies, their spouses, and other people living in their households, as well as other specified persons, were to be totally disenfranchised.
These curves were derived by an analysis of extensive skywave measurement data.
These boys acknowledged an introduction to anybody by gently pressing one of his hands in both of theirs, while they gazed, misty-eyed with care, into the eyes of the person they were meeting.

These and from
These ways are absolutely irreconcilable because they offer two different recipes for man's redemption from chaos.
These differences, in turn, derive from prior differences concerning the friendly or hostile character of change.
These institutions which Mr. Lyford names `` agreeable autocracies '' -- where did they come from??
These peoples, desperately hoping to lift themselves to decent levels of living must not, by our neglect, be forced to seek help from, and finally become virtual satellites of, those who proclaim their hostility to freedom.
These illiterate boors conscripted from villages all across the Czarina's empire had, Suvorov may have told Lewis, just two things a commander could count on: physical fitness and personal courage.
These proposals would reduce the amount of tax that DuPont stockholders might have to pay -- from an estimated 1.1 billion dollars under present law to as little as 192 million dollars.
These publications replaced the U. S. Naval Medical Bulletin, published continuously from 1907 through 1959, as well as the Navy's Hospital Corps Quarterly and the Bulletin of the U. S. Army Medical Department, published from 1922 to 1949.
These boards are nailed to the roof beams by reaching up through the open space between the beams, from inside the shelter.
These are mostly through highways that carry traffic going from one destination to another.
These publications may be secured as follows: The Annual Catalog from the Director of Admissions and other issues from the Publications Office.
These engines can be removed from a boat with relative ease, wherein lies their greatest advantage.
These will be available at cost from our Plans Department.
These are inexpensive and available from the U. S. Geological Society, Washington 25, D. C..
These extrapolated fluxes are about an order of magnitude less than the values from the satellite data and the figures in Whipple's table.
These fractions were tested for ABO agglutinin activity, using fractions from group AB plasma as a control.
These groups have varied widely from mere families, primitive, totemic groups, and small modern cults and sects, to the memberships of great denominations, and great, widely dispersed world religions.
These changes represent, in effect, a shift from ( 1 ) an administrative compilation of data obtained through procedures designed primarily to serve political and economic objectives to ( 2 ) a systematic sampling census of the whole African population.
These subjects implied that they too could prevent their arms from rising if they tried.
These differences in turn result from the fact that my Yokuts vocabularies were built up of terms selected mainly to insure unambiguity of English meaning between illiterate informants and myself, within a compact and uniform territorial area, but that Hoijer's vocabulary is based on Swadesh's second glottochronological list which aims at eliminating all items which might be culturally or geographically determined.
These names were secured from member companies by the Association from the forty-four sources listed in Appendix Aj.

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