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Page "Minivan" ¶ 42
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Some Related Sentences

They and also
They have also led the nation in the direction of a welfare state.
They arise in situations in which one believes that what happens depends not only on the external world, but also on the precise pattern of behavior of the individual or group.
They also furnish proof that, in modern war, message sending must be monitored.
On December 21, the day that the Irish House of Commons petitioned for removal of Sir Constantine Phipps, their Tory Lord Chancellor, Molesworth reportedly made this remark on the defense of Phipps by Convocation: `` They that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also ''.
They both measure literature by moral standards, and in their political writings both allow for censorship, but the differences between them are also significant.
They also want money, prestige, and security.
`` They are also honest seekers after truth.
They also deduct transportation expenses incurred in connection with the performance of services as employees even though they are not away from home.
They serve not only as spokesmen for their areas, but they also contribute to top-level decision making.
They will also supply literature on application.
They also caught on a little bit on how to smile a lot without your lips trembling.
They also give information which will aid in the design of a more satisfactory instrument for the measurement of the normal pressures.
They also called upon Diane with a request for a look at her passport.
They drank half a cup of this morning and night, and they also washed and soaked their hands in the same solution.
They knew that I was still grieving over the tragic event, and they felt that if I could see the recovery and the spirit of the people, who hold no grudge, but who also regret Pearl Harbor, I would be happier and would understand better a new Japan.
They have the same men, no age problem, no injuries and they also have Vinegar Bend Mizell for the full season, along with Bobby Shantz ''.
They also will visit properties on which appeals have been made.
They export also.
They also said he lied in saying that he had never been `` arrested ''.
They also instituted a ration system under which all employers in the Congo were required to furnish their employes with clothing and adequate food.
They recommended, also, that `` at a fixed hour, let the entire family be assembled for night prayers, followed by a short reading of the Holy Scriptures ''.
They applauded every number, not only at its conclusion but also at the first statement of the theme -- sometimes at the first chord.
`` They are determined '', Montgomery writes, `` not to be surprised again, and now insist on a state of readiness for war which is not only unnecessary, but also creates nervousness among other nations in the Western Alliance -- not to mention such great suspicions among the nations of the Eastern bloc that any progress towards peaceful coexistence or disarmament is not possible ''.
They could also use their strong fins to hoist themselves out of the water and onto dry land if circumstances required it.
They also make use of a sensory lateral line organ similar to that of fish.

They and differ
They even accept the `` double standard '' of sex morality in a double sense, i.e., both sexes agree that standards for men differ from standards for women, and women apply to both sexes a standard different from that held by men.
They differ from the cryptobranchids by having the prearticular bones in their lower jaw fused and reproduction is by internal fertilisation.
They differ from other related families by often being pachycauline ( i. e. with a thickened trunk, usually wider at the base, which has a water storage function ), by usually having succulent leaves, and by possessing a trimerous flower with a superior ovary and seeds with an aryl.
They differ mainly in how they are regulated, and are differentially expressed in various tissues throughout mammalian development.
They generally differ from paleoconservatives, in that they are in favor of more personal and economic freedom.
They differ in length as well.
They differ greatly in the rhyme system ( from terza rima to ottava, from sonnet to canzone.
They differ from the other cycles in the strength of their links with the Irish-speaking community in Scotland and there are many extant Fenian texts from that country.
They also differ from the Ulster Cycle in that the stories are told mainly in verse and that in tone they are nearer to the tradition of romance than the tradition of epic.
They may be obtained by stellating the regular convex dodecahedron and icosahedron, and differ from these in having regular pentagrammic faces or vertex figures.
They certainly differ from each other, the vicuña being smaller, more slender in its proportions, and having a shorter head than the guanaco.
They often differ slightly in shape, texture and / or hairiness from the earlier leaves.
They differ in the scope of services and in price.
They differ from machetes in that they generally have far thicker, tapered blades optimized for chopping European vegetation ( the thin, flat blade of the machete is better for soft plants found in tropical environments ), sword-like hilts and guards, and sometimes a sawback-blade.
They differ over the motivations of the parties involved.
They differ in their recognition sequence, subunit composition, cleavage position, and cofactor requirements, as summarised below:
They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely on markets or planning, how management is to be organised within productive institutions, and the role of the state in constructing socialism.
They differ by AM or FM sound modulation, signal polarization, relative frequencies within the channel, bandwidth, etc.
They differ, though, in usually being formed of several slats or blades, rather than single curtains as with horizontal designs, as there is rarely enough room above and below the frame for a one-piece shutter.
They differ, in that Epic poetry admits but one kind of metre, and is narrative in form.
They differ, again, in their length: for Tragedy endeavours, as far as possible, to confine itself to a single revolution of the sun, or but slightly to exceed this limit ; whereas the Epic action has no limits of time.
They have been found to differ only 2-4 % from modern satellite measurements, even on such long distances as across the Atlantic Ocean.
They differ in base product, alcoholic content, and quality.
They differ regarding the first weekday of the week ( Sunday vs. Monday ) and ISO 8601 does not support intercalary dates ( e. g. in notation ).

0.107 seconds.