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Page "Punctuated equilibrium" ¶ 20
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Some Related Sentences

is and because
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
In fact it has caused us to give serious thought to moving our residence south, because it is not easy for the most objective Southerner to sit calmly by when his host is telling a roomful of people that the only way to deal with Southerners who oppose integration is to send in troops and shoot the bastards down.
Had the situation been reversed, had, for instance, England been the enemy in 1898 because of issues of concern chiefly to New England, there is little doubt that large numbers of Southerners would have happily put on their old Confederate uniforms to fight as allies of Britain.
But it is more than irony: one of the main reasons why nationalism is no longer a tenable concept is because it has spread throughout the planet.
The `` approximate '' is important, because even after the order of the work has been established by the chance method, the result is not inviolable.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.
Yet often fear persists because, even with the most rigid ritual, one is never quite free from the uneasy feeling that one might make some mistake or that in every previous execution one had been unaware of the really decisive act.
Or is it relevant because it teaches us something useful to know about ourselves??
I knew that a conversation with the author would not settle such questions, because a man is not the same as his writing: in the last analysis, the questions had to be settled by the work itself.
I suggested that one must let it in because it is the truth, but Beckett did not take to the word truth.
That is why the form itself becomes a preoccupation, because it exists as a problem separate from the material it accommodates.
It is because there is not only darkness but also light that our situation becomes inexplicable.
If they avoid the use of the pungent, outlawed four-letter word it is because it is taboo ; ;
Jazz is good not only because it promotes wholeness but because of its decided sexual effect.
It is worth dwelling in some detail on the crisis of this story, because it brings together a number of characteristic elements and makes of them a curious, riddling compound obscurely but centrally significant for Mann's work.

is and even
The sambur buck, the jungle stag that is even more noble than the Scottish elk.
He even hunted elephant, although the Asian elephant is not quite as ferocious as his African cousin.
A third, one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs.
National responsibility for individual welfare is a concept not limited to the United States or even to the Western nations.
It is said that, even at the present stage of Southern urbanization, such a city as Atlanta is not distinctly unlike Columbus or Trenton.
Truman Capote is still reveling in Southern Gothicism, exaggerating the old Southern legends into something beautiful and grotesque, but as unreal as -- or even more unreal than -- yesterday.
As his disciples boast, even though his emphasis is elsewhere, Faulkner does show his awareness of the changing order of the South quite keenly, as can be proven by a quick recalling of his Sartoris and Snopes families.
Yet his concern even here is with a slowly changing socio-economic order in general, and he never deals with such specific aspects of this change as the urban and industrial impact.
The thousands of city migrants who desert the farms yearly must readjust with even greater stress and tension: the sacred wilderness is gradually surrendering to suburbs and research parks and industrial areas.
It is curious that even centuries of repetition of the yearly cycle did not induce a sufficient degree of confidence to allow people to abandon the ceremonies of the winter solstice.
It is screaming at you even in the taxis of London ''.
He will not curb his instinctual desires but release the energy within him that makes him feel truly and fully alive, even if it is only for this brief moment before the apocalypse of annihilation explodes on earth.
And the life they lead is undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish of devoting themselves to some creative pursuit -- writing, painting, music.
that is, he is suspect, guilty, punishable, as is anyone in Mann's stories who produces illusion, and this is true even though the constant elements of the artist-nature, technique, magic, guilt and suffering, are divided in this story between Jacoby and Lautner.
It appears that the dominant tendency of Mann's early tales, however pictorial or even picturesque the surface, is already toward the symbolic, the emblematic, the expressionistic.
But Aristotle kept the principle of levels and even augmented it by describing in the Poetics what kinds of character and action must be imitated if the play is to be a vehicle of serious and important human truths.
The presence of genuine mimesis in art is marked by the persistence with which the work demands attention and compels valuation even though it is but vaguely understood.

is and though
since Bourbon whiskey, though of Kentucky origin, is at least as much favored by liberals in the North as by conservatives in the South.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
And Zen Buddhism, though it is extremely difficult to understand how these internal contradictions are reconciled, helps them in their struggle to achieve personal salvation through sexual release.
This is the rhetoric of righteousness the beatniks use in defending their way of life, their search for wholeness, though their actual existence fails to reach these `` religious '' heights.
Hieronymus, like Piepsam, makes his protest quite in vain, and his rejection, though not fatal, is ridiculous and humiliating ; ;
This arrangement was for Copernicus literally monstrous: `` With ( the Ptolemaists ) it is as though an artist were to gather the hands, feet, head and other members for his images from divers models, each part excellently drawn, but not related to a single body ; ;
It is world-wide knowledge that any power which might be tempted today to attack the United States by surprise, even though we might sustain great losses, would itself promptly suffer a terrible destruction.
Then he would get to his feet, as though rising in honor of his own remarkable powers, and say almost invariably, `` Gentlemen, this is an amazing story!!
For what we propose, however, a psychoanalyst is not necessary, even though one aim is to enable the reader to get beneath his own defenses -- his defenses of himself to himself.
The other is that the charge for cabanas and parasols, though modest from an American point of view, still is a little high for many Athenians.
There is a mediocre restaurant at Sounion and I fed a thin little Grecian cat and gave it two saucers of water -- there was no milk -- which it lapped up as though it were nectar.
Behind him lay the Low Countries, where men were still completing the cathedrals that a later Florentine would describe as `` a malediction of little tabernacles, one on top of the other, with so many pyramids and spires and leaves that it is a wonder they stand up at all, for they look as though they were made of paper instead of stone or marble '' ; ;
My argument is that there was no Saxon Shore prior to that time even though the forts had been in existence since the time of Carausius.
The country about Cambridge is flat and not particularly spectacular in its scenery, though it offers easy going to the foot traveler.
the mere fact that he was selected, though as a substitute, to act as interlocutor or moderator for it, or perhaps we should say with Buck as ' father of the act ', is in itself a difficult phase of his development to grasp.

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