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Page "Omar Bradley" ¶ 49
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Some Related Sentences

We and know
`` We know Penny spent some -- and Carmer must have dropped a few dollars getting that load on ''.
We don't know this guy ''.
We know that much is made of the multiplicity and ambiguity of the identities that cluster around the key symbol of the Jew.
We know that the Saxon Shore was a phenonenon of late Roman defensive policy ; ;
We also know that the Saxon Shore as reflected in the Notitia was created as a part of the Theodosian reorganization of Britain ( post A.D. 369 ).
We will know, and He will know, to whom it is rendered, what the birds would ask:
We out here don't see enough of the conference to know he is being abused.
`` We all know that Jake Camaret and the woman are brazenly living together.
We are, as we know, utterly dependent on the quality of advice we get ; ;
We want to know when the Potlatches telephone exactly how many they are planning to bring, so that we won't end up with a splashing mob that looks like Coney Island in August.
We know now that a 15-degree differential in temperature is the maximum usually desirable, and accurate controls assure the comfort we want.
We know, too, that health is never harmed by summer cooling.
We didn't even know them till about a month after we moved -- at that time, they had called on us, after I met Fran at a PTA meeting, and had taken us in hand socially.
We want to know the number of people going to the mountains.
We know that in the C-plane both C and Af are analytic.
We now know that things rarely ever work out in such cut-and-dried fashion, and that car loadings, while perhaps interesting enough, are nevertheless not the magic formula that will always turn before stock prices turn.
We, ourselves, are always eager to know how others feel about us and the way in which we live.
We know that the number of radio and television impulses, sound waves, ultra-violet rays, etc., that may occupy the very same space, each solitary upon its own frequency, is infinite.
We know that actors can learn to portray a wide variety of character roles.
We have learned from earthquakes much of what we now know about the earth's interior, for they send waves through the earth which emerge with information about the materials through which they have traveled.
We do know that Morse left the house before nine o'clock.
`` We don't want to know whether he's dead, yet.
`` We won't know the full amount until we get a full report '', Wagner said.
We should not allow the image of an immanent end brought about indirectly by our own action in the continuing human struggle for a just endurable order of existence to blind us to the fact that in some measure accelerating the end of our lease may be one consequence among others of many other of mankind's thrusts toward we know not what future.

We and more
We followed the asphalt road for a few miles and then swung off onto a smaller road which was nothing more than two tire marks on the earth.
We get some clue from a few remembrances of childhood and from the circumstance that we are probably not much more afraid of people now than man ever was.
We shall return to these statements and deal with them more fully as the evidence for them accumulates.
We went out of the office and down the hall to a window where documents and more officials awaited us, the rest of the office personnel hot upon our heels.
We all love to suffer, but some of us love to suffer more than others.
We don't need this type of protection any more.
We can expect more of the same.
We found that three men -- two carpenters and a helper -- can put up wall panels or trusses more economically than four men -- because four men don't make two teams ; ;
`` We won't live long enough if I wait for you, besides which you don't need to worry -- there'll be plenty more ''.
We have attempted to simplify the extensive task of analyzing onset ages and completion ages of each child -- more than 1700 values for the entire group -- by constructing figures for each of the 21 centers so that the data for all 34 boys and 34 of the girls will appear together for each growth center.
We note that two such curves C and Af, cannot coincide at more than a finite number of points ; ;
We can see others more clearly than we can see ourselves, and others can see us better than we see ourselves.
We need many more studies of this sort if the design of written languages is to be put on a sound basis.
We will achieve a more vivid sense of what it is by realizing what it is not.
We should think of it more as an act of justice than compassion ''.
We have 2,500 such projects, and they add up to a lot more than just roads and wells and schools.
We went once more over every point, then triple-checked.
We have aligned ourselves with that `` liberal '' tradition in Protestant Christianity that counts among the great names in its history those of Schleiermacher, Ritschl, Herrmann, Harnack, and Troeltsch, and more recently, Schweitzer and the early Barth and, in part at least, Bultmann.
We stand more in awe of one another than most people.
We trust you are not one of the 70,000,000 Americans who do not attend church, but who feel that various forms of recreation are more important than worshipping the God who made our country great.
We spend billions of dollars at the race tracks, and more billions on other forms of gambling.
We spend billions of dollars on liquor, and many more billions on various forms of escapist entertainment.
We can all breathe more easily this morning -- more easily and joyously, too -- because Joshua Logan has turned the stage show, `` Fanny '', into a delightful and heart-warming film.
`` We regard it as fair only when each party feels that what he has received is as valuable, or more valuable, than what he has given ''.

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