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Page "The Big Sleep" ¶ 11
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might and be
He might tell her how sorry a spectacle she was making of herself, pretending to be blind to the way Julia Fortune had taken Dean's affections from her.
There's bound to be someone on guard, but the hat might fool them long enough for me to get close ''.
We'll still have the rifle, and I might be able to round up some more.
Noticing my disappointment he attempted to salvage what scraps and shreds of authority he felt might still be clinging to his person.
This light did not penetrate very far back into the hall, and my eyes were hindered rather than aided by the dim daylight entering through the fan vents when I tried to pick out whatever might be lying, or squatting, on the floor below.
Its front was windowless, but irregularities in the masonry might be an indication that windows, now blinded, had once looked out upon the street.
Looks like we might be in for a speck of trouble ''.
For less than a dozen miles from the unplowed land of the dead man lived another settler who had ignored the warnings that his existence might be foreclosed on -- a blatant and defiant rustler named Fred Powell.
He evidently couldn't foresee that it might be his downfall in the end.
He studied the problem for a few seconds and thought of a means by which it might be solved.
And then he thought Todman might be right.
I felt that he looked at me coldly and appraisingly and seemed to be uncertain what his attitude towards me should be, but he did not say one word which might indicate that he had been told of advances to his wife.
A card to Walter would get him an introduction to this Meredith, and that might be good for something.
And he missed the point that the swarthy witches might be laughing at him for hoping to escape Nicolas Manas.
She was telling herself that this might just be her reward at the end of a long meaningful search for truth.
Mary Jane might not be the most intelligent woman, but she was one of the most determined.
`` I might have starved, but at least I wouldn't be fried to a crisp and soaked with dirt ''!!
Had Dandy been older or wiser, instinct might have warned him that he would be well advised to flee from the Lalauries' tender care if he valued his life.
Since attack serves to stimulate interest in broadcasts, I added to my opening statement a sentence in which I claimed that German youth seemed to lack the enthusiasm which is a necessary ingredient of anger, and might be classified as uninterested and bored rather than angry.
Others mentioned that I might have had to ask friends or even strangers for help and that to be stranded in a foreign country without sufficient funds did not contribute to international understanding.
Even two decades ago in Go Down, Moses Faulkner was looking to the more urban future with a glimmer of hope that through its youth and its new way of life the South might be reborn and the curse of slavery erased from its soil.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
If an automobile were approaching him, he would know what was required of him, even though he might not be able to act quickly enough.
I granted this might be so, but found the result to be even more attention to form than was the case previously.

might and expected
He said that the architect might reasonably be expected to carry his financial burdens if all harrassment could be brought to an end, and that the bank would accept a mortgage on Taliesin to help bring this about.
A realistic `` concert of free nations '' might be expected to consist of an `` inner community '' of the North Atlantic nations and an `` outer community '' embracing much or all of the non-Communist world.
Since Laos is of no more purely military value to Moscow itself than it is to Washington, this approach might be expected to head off Mr. Khrushchev for the moment.
It might be added that as he kept his word so he expected that others keep theirs.
One might have expected that such a violent epoch of transition would have destroyed the creative flair of a composer, especially one whose works were so fluent and spontaneous.
Similar results might be expected from the influence of drugs or pathological conditions that limit iodide trapping, or organification, or accelerate thyroglobulin proteolysis.
From the point of view of word formation real might be expected to have two syllables.
They generally vote so as to serve their own constituency, and if the constituency should be solidly middle class or solidly lower class, they might be expected to vote and work for middle- or for lower-class interests in education.
As might be expected, girls in this situation bleed very little and perhaps not at all in the process of losing their virginity.
The route which he had traveled and which he believed might develop into a trade route was followed by his settlers earlier than he might have expected.
Race-drivers, on the other hand, are quite often killed on the circuit, and since it was obviously Mr. Remarque's intention to establish automobile racing as life in microcosm, one might reasonably have expected him to demonstrate precise knowledge not only of techniques but of mores and attitudes.
At the Siege of Bayonne in October 1131, three years before his death, he published a will leaving his kingdom to three autonomous religious orders based in Palestine and politically largely independent on the pope, the Knights Templars, the Hospitallers, and the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, whose influences might have been expected to cancel one another out.
The equinoxes might be expected to be in the middle of their respective seasons, but temperature lag ( caused by the thermal latency of the ground and sea ) means that seasons appear later than dates calculated from a purely astronomical perspective.
Indeed the urban areas of the country suffering heavily from unemployment, which might have been expected to respond the most to the radical economic policies of the Liberals, instead gave the party its worst results.
:" such care as an ordinary man might be expected to take on his own behalf.
He is more attentive to marine life than might be expected, though, and this seems to reflect first-hand personal interest ; he often quotes " fishermen ".
Undoubtedly, David's artistic sensibility, mercurial temperament, volatile emotions, ardent enthusiasm, and fierce independence might have been expected to help turn him against the established order but they did not fully explain his devotion to the republican regime.
According to his letters, he was associated with the Venetian natural philosopher, Giulio Camillo, but, apart from this, he had a less active association with Italian scholars than might have been expected.
As might be expected, Emperor Temmu was no less active than former-Emperor Tenji in improving the Taika military institutions.
The subsequent abolition of conscription in France in 2001 and the creation of an entirely professional army might be expected to put the legion's long-term future at risk but as of 2011 this has not been the case.
Intelligent aliens might avoid these " expected " activities, or perform activities totally novel to humans.
Here, " qu " is pronounced " co ." The 83 pieces of graffiti found at CIL IV, 4706-85 are evidence of the ability to read and write at levels of society where literacy might not be expected.
Viewed from an orthodox Islamic perspective, the Gospel of Barnabas might be considered a Christian work, as its many points of difference from the Qur ' an suggest ; hence, it too may be expected to have undergone corruption and distortion.
A certain amount of socializing might typically be expected during game play, as opposed to the relative silence sometimes expected during some strategy games like chess and go or restrictions on allowable conversations or actions found in some highly competitive games such as contract bridge.

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