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Page "belles_lettres" ¶ 222
from Brown Corpus
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is and all
That's really all he's got, all he is.
It is possible, although highly doubtful, that he killed none at all but merely let his reputation work for him by privately claiming every unsolved murder in the state.
this is not so, for education offers all kinds of dividends, including how to pull the wool over a husband's eyes while you are having an affair with his wife.
Ballet dancer: Protests, tears, and `` take what you want, Nicolas, I am a dancer, you are a poet, it is all beautiful ''.
And all the time, she had the heat of hatred in her, like charcoal that is burning on its under side, but not visibly.
`` That tub is going to explode all at once ''.
With all respect to a fine young man, Mr. Roy is not able to provide these necessaries ''.
The enormous changes in world politics have, however, thrown it into confusion, so much so that it is safe to say that all international law is now in need of reexamination and clarification in light of the social conditions of the present era.
For better or for worse, we all now live in welfare states, the organizing principle of which is collective responsibility for individual well-being.
Already accidental war is a silent guest at the discussions within the Kennedy Administration about the urgency of disarmament and nearly all other questions of national security.
Work is under way to see whether new restraining devices should be installed on all nuclear weapons.
The stink is all the same to me, but I really think they can make one another out blindfolded ''.
Poetry in Persian life is far more than a common ground on which -- in a society deeply fissured by antagonisms -- all may stand.
Each mode is believed to have a specific attribute -- one inducing pleasure, another generosity, another love, and so on, to include all of the emotions.
`` As my wife puts it '', he said, again with a twinkle in his eyes, `` all you know is your music.
`` I have just come from viewing a man who had made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family '', he reflected.
Westbrook further bemoans the Southern writers' creation of an unreal image of their homeland, which is too readily assimilated by both foreign readers and visiting Yankees: `` Our northerner is suspicious of all this crass evidence ( of urbanization ) presented to his senses.
To my knowledge, Lincoln remains the only Head of State and Commander-in-Chief who, while fighting a fearful war whose issue was in doubt, proved man enough to say this publicly -- to give his foe the benefit of the fact that in all human truth there is some error, and in all our error, some truth.
Lucretius has remarked: `` The reason why all Mortals are so gripped by fear is that they see all sorts of things happening in the earth and sky with no discernable cause, and these they attribute to the will of God ''.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.

is and around
Though it centers around the brilliant and enigmatic figure of Charles 12,, the true hero is not finally the king himself.
His own testimony is that he has read very little in the history of the South, implying that what he knows of that history has come to him orally and that he knows the world around him primarily from his own unassisted observation.
Actually, you could wish for some passion, now and then, but when you look around the world and see the little volcanos of current history which partisan social passions have wrought, you are glad that in these pamphlets there is at least some civilized calm.
The men who speculate on these institutions have, for the most part, come to at least one common conclusion: that many of the great enterprises and associations around which our democracy is formed are in themselves autocratic in nature, and possessed of power which can be used to frustrate the citizen who is trying to assert his individuality in the modern world ''.
We know that much is made of the multiplicity and ambiguity of the identities that cluster around the key symbol of the Jew.
But their freedom of policy is limited by the pattern of predisposition with which they and the people around them enter the crisis.
An advantage of being exposed to such specificity about an important and recurring feature of social reality is that it can be taken advantage of by the reader to examine covert as well as overt resonances within himself, resonances triggered by explicit symbols clustering around the central figure of the Jew.
If man is actually the product of his environment and if science can discover the laws of human nature and the ways in which environment determines what people do, then someone -- a someone probably standing outside traditional systems of values -- can turn around and develop completely efficient means for controlling people.
Much more important is to grasp the feelings of the narrator ( whose full name is never given ) as he becomes aware of the disorganized and bewildered mass of French prisoners clustered together in a temporary prison camp in and around the cathedral of Chartres.
And it is also a fact of life that there will always ( be youngish half-educated people around, who will be dazzled by the glitter of what looks like a literary movement.
But the secretary insists that the success of the American farmer is the `` greatest single source of strength '' in the struggle to insure freedom around the world.
Only this time around the conditions are different and the choice is far harder.
Even apart from the fact that now at the age of 31 my personal life is being totally disrupted for the second time for no very compelling reason -- I cannot help looking around at the black leather jacket brigades standing idly on the street corners and in the taverns of every American city and asking myself if our society has gone mad.
It is blind, fundamentalist dogmatism to say, `` Messing around with the King James version seems to us a perilous sport at best ''.
All he does is to bullshit with his squad, and they are the stupidest bastards around.
It was the kind of frame that is only put around the photograph of a dead person.
The Federals is making everybody take the oath of loyalty around these parts too '', he crowed.
during the same period around sunrise, skywave transmission is declining, until at about 2 hours after sunrise it reaches a point where it becomes of little practical significance.
His best time is around 2:33.
Cathy J. Hanover ( Tar Heel-Kaola Hanover ), formerly called Karet Hanover, has been rather a problem child, but is getting better all the while and can pace a twice around in about 2:31.
One simple method of measuring the expansion of the heart is to tie a thin rubber tube, filled with mercury, around the heart and record the change in resistance as the tube is stretched.

0.069 seconds.