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Some Related Sentences

is and where
But California is where we're goin ''.
He thought of the jungles below him, and of the wild, strange, untracked beauty there and he promised himself that someday he would return, on foot perhaps, to hunt in this last corner of the world where man is sometimes himself the hunted, and animals the lords.
Now I wish to enter the American market, where the competition is very strong.
from downstream, where the water level is much lower, it is a high, elaborately facaded pavilion.
The answers derived by these means may determine not only the temporal organization of the dance but also its spatial design, special slips designating the location on the stage where the movement is to be performed.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
Robert Penn Warren puts it this way in `` Brother To Dragons '': `` The recognition of complicity is the beginning of innocence '', where innocence, I think, means about the same thing as redemption.
A dominant motive is the poet's longing for his homeland and its boyhood associations: `` Not men-folk, but the fields where I would stray, The stones where as a child I used to play ''.
In a society where everything is for sale, Marlowe is the only man who cannot be bought.
This is done for simplicity of commands and to bring the hidden redundancy up to where misunderstanding has almost zero possibility.
As to benefits to employees, it is notorious for its callous disregard except where it depends on them for services.
`` The Moral Creed '' and `` The Will To Risk '' live happily together, if we do not examine where the line is to be drawn.
Since the slogans have little application to reality and are sanctimonious to boot, the applause is faint even in areas of the world where we should expect to find the greatest affection for free government.
Ptolemy's problem is to forecast where, against the inverted bowl of night, some particular light will be found at future times.
She was exposing herself to temptation which it is best to avoid where it can consistently be done.
Such performance is a great tribute to American scientists and engineers, who in the past five years have had to telescope time and technology to develop these long-range ballistic missiles, where America had none before.
but it is perennially restructured in situations where anchors are dragged or lost.
`` History has this in common with every other science: that the historian is not allowed to claim any single piece of knowledge, except where he can justify his claim by exhibiting to himself in the first place, and secondly to any one else who is both able and willing to follow his demonstration, the grounds upon which it is based.
Finally we may note that the idea appears in educational theory where its influence is at present widespread.

is and through
Down through the axis of the bridge there is a long diminishing vista like a visual echo of piers and arches, while the vaults fronting upstream and down frame the sunset and sunrise, the mountains and river pools.
It is through the metamorphosed dancer that the germ of form is discovered.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.
Perhaps the most illuminating example of the reduction of fear through understanding is derived from our increased knowledge of the nature of disease.
it is Astarte, Ishtar, Venus, Yahwe, Dionysus, Christ, the mysterious and divine orgone energy flowing through the body of the universe.
And Zen Buddhism, though it is extremely difficult to understand how these internal contradictions are reconciled, helps them in their struggle to achieve personal salvation through sexual release.
Mimesis is the nearest possible thing to the actual re-living of experience, in which the imagining person recovers through images something of the force and depth characteristic of experience itself.
After how many generations is such wealth ( mounting all the while through the manipulations of high finance ) purified of taint??
A point like p gets information directly from n, but all information beyond n is indirectly relayed through n.
Furthermore, the network in Figure 3 is only the basic net through which other networks pertaining to logistics and the like are interlaced.
And it is clearly argued by Lord Percy of Newcastle, in his remarkable long essay, The Heresy Of Democracy, and in a more general way by Voegelin, in his New Science Of Politics, that this same Rousseauan idea, descending through European democracy, is the source of Marx's theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
Without saying or seeming to say that in portraying the Sartoris and the Compson families Faulkner's chief concern is social criticism, we can say nevertheless that through those families he dramatizes his comment on the planter dynasties as they have existed since the decades before the Civil War.
But that one should superimpose all these charts, run a pin through the common point, and then scale each planetary deferent larger and smaller ( to keep the epicycles from ' bumping ' ), this is contrary to any intention Ptolemy ever expresses.
The continuities, contrasts, and similarities discernible when past and present are surveyed together are inexhaustible and the one is often understood through the other.
It is through such reflection that literature approaches philosophy.
In his study Samuel Johnson, Joseph Wood Krutch takes this line when he says that what Aristotle really means by his theory of catharsis is that our evil passions may be so purged by the dramatic ritual that it is `` less likely that we shall indulge them through our own acts ''.
It is thus that the brightness of Helen passes through Marlowe's Faustus.
He is said to have reported that once, when she went to a hospital to call on a friend after a serious operation, and the friend protested that it had been `` nothing '', she replied, `` Well, it was your healthy American peasant blood that pulled you through ''.

is and language
He speaks your language too, for he is the grandson of a chieftain on Taui who made much magic and was strong and cunning.
When Heidegger and Sartre speak of a contrast between being and existence, they may be right, I don't know, but their language is too philosophical for me.
it is a mystique, and their private language is rich in the multivalent ambiguities of sexual reference so that they dwell in a sexualized universe of discourse.
For this reason, too, their language is more forthright and earthy.
Jazz is the musical language of sex, the vocabulary of the orgasm ; ;
Of the longer pieces of the volume none is so memorable as `` Nameless And Immortal '', which at once took rank among the finest poems ever written in the Swedish language.
The capacity for making the distinctions of which diplomacy is compact, and the facility with language which can render them into validity in the eyes of other men are the leader's means for transforming the moral intuition into moral leadership.
and it is surely clear that the first of these is the result of the way in which the individual's command of language interacts with the other two.
How literature does this, or for whom, is certainly not clear, but the content, form, and language of the `` message '', as well as the source, would all play differentiated parts in giving and molding a sense of purpose.
But to go from here to the belief that those more sensitive to metaphor and language will also be more sensitive to personal differences is too great an inferential leap.
Much of his earlier work was conceived in terms of a `` pseudo-anthropological '' myth reference, which is concerned with imaginary places and beings described in grandiloquent and travelogue-like language.
This, in more diplomatic language, is what Adlai Stevenson told the newspaper men of Latin America yesterday on behalf of the United States Government.
This is going to be a language lesson, and you can master it in a few minutes.
One is impressed with the dignity, clarity and beauty of this new translation into contemporary English, and there is no doubt that the meaning of the Bible is more easily understandable to the general reader in contemporary language in the frequently archaic words and phrases of the King James.
Some of the poetic cadence of the older version certainly is lost in the newer one, but almost anyone, with a fair knowledge of the English language, can understand the meaning, without the necessity of interpretation by a Biblical scholar.
but I am also a young, able and willing girl who wants to study the Chinese language but is not old enough.
A significant reduction in the voume of store information is thus realized, especially for a highly inflected language such as Russian.
Here again, in the written language it is possible to help the reader get his stresses right by using underlining or italics, but much of the time there is simply reliance on his understanding in the light of context.
It is clear that patterns of stress sometimes show construction unambiguously in the spoken language where without the help of context it would be ambiguous in the written.
In the first of these sentences if by is the complement of come and Tuesday is an adjunct of time equivalent to on Tuesday, there will be strong stress on by in the spoken language ; ;

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