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Page "Nicolae Iorga" ¶ 115
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Crainic and who
Historian Irina Livezeanu proposed that the respect he enjoys in Romania is matched by that of other " nationalist thinkers and politicians " who " have reentered the contemporary scene largely as heroes of a pre-and anticommunist past ", including Nae Ionescu and Cioran, but also Ion Antonescu and Nichifor Crainic.
Nichifor Crainic, who served as Minister of Propaganda under both the National Legionary State and Antonescu, took pride in his own campaign against " Judaism " in the press, and, speaking at the 1941 anniversary of his tribune Gândirea, referred to Goga's 1937 action against Adevărul and the others as a " splendid act of justice ".

Crainic and was
There was however a major incompatibility between the two traditionalist tendencies: to Iorga's secularism, Crainic opposed a quasi-theocratic vision, based on the Romanian Orthodox Church as a guarantee of Romanian identity.

Crainic and also
Beginning 1935, the scandals also involved Sfarmă-Piatră, a virulent far right newspaper headed by Nichifor Crainic and funded by Stelian Popescu, the new publisher of Universul.

Crainic and with
Through the voices of Crainic, Alexandru Gregorian and N. Crevedia, the two extremist journals Porunca Vremii and Sfarmă-Piatră repeatedly targeted Sadoveanu with antisemitic and antimasonic epithets, accusing him of having become a tool for Jewish interests and, as leader of the Romanian Freemasonry, of promoting occult practices.

Crainic and Gândirea
"), which led to criticism from the far right Gândirea ( its editor, Nichifor Crainic, had called The Transfiguration of Romania " a bloody, merciless, massacre of today's Romania, without even fear of matricide and sacrilege "), as well as from various Iron Guard papers.
Iorga's views were in part responsible for a split taking place at Gândirea, occurring when his traditionalist disciple, Nichifor Crainic, became the group's new leader and marginalized the Expressionists.

Crainic and .
Crainic saw his own theory as an afterthought of Sămănătorism, arguing that his Gândirism had erected an " azure tarpaulin ", symbolizing the Church, over Iorga's nationalism.
An associate of the far right thinker Nichifor Crainic, Horia sat on the editorial board of his Sfarmă Piatră journal.
After Crainic took over as Minister of Propaganda in King Carol II's authoritarian government, he appointed Horia as member of the diplomatic mission to Rome.

who and was
He certainly didn't want a wife who was fickle as Ann.
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
He was riding between two warriors, who held him erect when he started to slump.
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
Hague, like all who worked near the pits, was partly deafened from the constant assault against his eardrums.
Facing the forest now, she who had not dared to enter it before, walked between two trees at random and headed in what she believed was the direction of the pool.
Donna, his young wife, the girl who was both daughter and wife to him.
Lewis was a man who had made a full-time job of cow stealing.
He was a man, those neighbors testified later, who didn't have a friend in the world.
But to the cattlemen who had been facing bankruptcy from rustling losses and to the cowboys who had been faced with lay-offs a few years earlier, he was becoming a vastly different type of legendary figure.
Then, with a glory that almost wiped out the deep, downward sags in her careworn face, Matilda leaned over the wheel and shouted to Hez, who was stumbling along in the heat and the dust on the opposite side of the wagon `` Pa!!
Out in the center of the circle the farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line, `` The farmer choose his wife ''.
`` Gyp Carmer couldn't have known about Colcord's money unless he was told -- and who else would have told him ''??
Mrs. Roebuck smilingly declined and began suddenly to go on about her son, who was `` onleh a little younguh than you bawhs ''.
`` You know who the other man was ''??
Present at the scene -- in addition to the dead man, who was indeed Louis Thor -- had been Thor's partner Bill Blake, and Antony Rose, an advertising agency executive who handled the zing account.
My new Aunt was perhaps three or four years older than I and it had been a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman who oozed sex.
I don't even remember who wrote it but it was one of those 15th or 16th century poets.
If it were not that I knew who it was I could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him.
The Grafin, who was charmed by her, told her, `` Your sister who was here two years ago has quite dark hair.

who and also
He was asking had it been she who left the love note in his sheets ( she also served as maid ) when he saw the Grafin followed by a stately blond girl approaching his table.
Capable of enduring friendships, they were also stout controversialists, who could write with a drop of vitriol on their pens.
Musicians who use the chance method also exclude subjective control of formal development.
I think that we are here also talking of the kind of fear that a young boy has for a group of boys who are approaching at night along the streets of a large city.
Today the private detective will also investigate insurance claims or handle divorce cases, but his primary function remains what it has always been, to assist those who have money in their unending struggle with those who have not.
Now the detective must save his own skin by informing on the girl he loves, who is also the real murderer.
Since a civilizational crisis involves also a crisis in private interests and in the ruling class, reaction is normally found among those who feel themselves to be among the ruling class.
Evidence is plentiful that early and later also he has been indebted to the Gothic romancers, who deal in extravagant horror, to the symbolists writing at the end of the preceding century, and in particular to the stream-of-consciousness novelists, Henry James and James Joyce among them.
Joseph Jastrow, the younger son of the distinguished rabbi, Marcus Jastrow, was a friendly, round-faced fellow with a little mustache, whose field was psychology, and who was also a punster and a jolly tease.
Both these youths, who greatly admired Henrietta, were somewhat younger than she, as were also the neighboring Friedenwald boys, who were then studying medicine ; ;
Young Morris, who, while attending the University of Pennsylvania, also taught and edited a paper, found time to write Henrietta twenty-page letters on everything that engaged his interest, from the acting of Sarah Bernhardt in Philadelphia to his reactions to the comments of `` Sulamith '' on the Jewish reform movement being promulgated by the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.
And just as `` Laurie '' Lawrence was first attracted to bright Jo March, who found him immature by her high standards, and then had to content himself with her younger sister Amy, so Joe Jastrow, who had also been writing Henrietta before he came to Johns Hopkins, had to content himself with her younger sister, pretty Rachel.
The Indians who came aboard ship to collect the mail also interested her greatly, even if she was suitably shocked, according to the customs of the society in which she had been reared, to find them `` naked, except a piece of cotton cloth wrapped around their middle ''.
It is, however, a disarming disguise, or perhaps a shield, for not only has Mercer proved himself to be one of the few great lyricists over the years, but also one who can function remarkably under pressure.
Among measures in anticipation of crisis are plans to inject into the turmoil as assistants of key decision makers qualified persons who are cognizant of the corrosive effect of crisis upon personal relationships and are also able to raise calm and realistic voices when overburdened leaders near the limit of self-control.
It had been whispered privately that she had smiled in the congregation, and the Governor Prence sent to knoe her business, and command, after punishment as the bench see fit, her departure and also anyone who brought her to the place from which she came ' ''.
Williams also stated: `` Our peace was like the peace of a man who hath the tertian ague ''.
We may further grant to those of her ( Poetry's ) defenders who are lovers of poetry and yet not poets, the permission to speak in prose on her behalf: let them show not only that she is pleasant but also useful to States and to human life, and we will listen in a kindly spirit ; ;
The students who are most willing to acquiesce in the suppression of civil liberties are also those who are most likely to be prejudiced against minority groups, to be conformist and traditionalistic in general social attitudes, and to lack a basic faith in people.
The younger men, Vere, and Pembroke, who was also Edward's cousin and whose Lusignan blood gave him the swarthy complexion that caused Edward of Carnarvon's irreverent friend, Piers Gaveston, to nickname him `` Joseph the Jew '', were relatively new to the game of diplomacy, but Pontissara had been on missions to Rome before, and Hotham, a man of great learning, `` jocund in speech, agreeable to meet, of honest religion, and pleasing in the eyes of all '', and an archbishop to boot, was as reliable and experienced as Othon himself.
He also ascertained that many officers were indifferent to the problem, including Commanding General Frederick Funston who gave Fosdick the nickname of `` Reverend ''.

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