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was and good
Morgan hesitated, thinking that if this was a trick, it was a good one.
But she'd known plenty of handsomer guys, and, conceding his good looks, what was there left??
An inquest was held, and after a good deal of testimony about the anonymous notes, the county coroner estimated that the shooting had been done from a distance of 300 yards.
Seeing them waiting there at the foot of Emigrant Rock was so overwhelming that, for a good minute after they rounded the bend and started down the grade leading toward them, Matilda could not speak at all.
The expression was his trade-mark, his open sesame to good luck, and his prayer that pilot and plane would always return.
There had been a good second or two during which my muffler had been blowing out, and now I was certain I'd seen her somewhere before.
I didn't get a good look at him at all, his back was to me, and I was so scared It was just somebody in a man's suit.
`` They knew I was a good sharecrop farmer back in Carolina, but out West was a chance to build a real farm of our own.
For a while he was content to let events develop in their good time.
Something was beginning to stir and come alive in her, too ( it may have been there for a good while, since she was twenty now ; ;
Though sex in some form or other enters into all human activity and it was a good thing that Freud emphasized this aspect of human nature, it is fantastic to explain everything in terms of sex.
A smart, shrewd and ambitious young man, well connected, and with a knack for getting in the good graces of important people, he was bound to go far.
His father was a good friend of Rabbi Szold, and Joe lived with the Szolds for a while.
Her mother was a good manager and established a millinery business in Milwaukee.
He was right, and Peter Marshall could not help but recall Andrew Cordier's words on the subject, `` Well, it seemed as good a place as any to do the job ''.
It was a good report, he did all he could to make it a good report.
Steele apparently professed his sentiments in this book too openly and honestly for his own good, since the government was soon to use it as evidence against him in his trial before the House.
He also disliked Runyon, for no good reason other than the fact that the Demon's talent was so marked as to put him well beyond the Hetman's say-so or his supervision.
Another good friend of the Coolidges' was George B. Harvey, who was the Ambassador to Great Britain from 1921 to 1923.

was and friends
My friends and I come from a ship which was destroyed by fire.
While he was handling the multi-million-dollar funding operations of the Government he had to resort to borrowing small sums from friends.
Ann was entranced with the view, as were her husband and friends.
For a freshman Congressman to read political Lessons to graybeard Democrats was poor policy for one who needed to make friends.
As the field on which my tent was pitched was a favorite natural playground for the kids of the neighborhood, I had made many friends among them, taking part in their after-school games and trying desperately to translate Grimm's Fairy Tales into an understandable French as we gathered around the fire in front of the tent.
The wear and tear of life have taught me that very few friends of mutual friends long to see foreign strangers, but I planned on being the soul of tact, of giving them plenty of outs was there the tiniest implication that their cups were already running over without us.
Without further inquiry, Pike jumped to the conclusion that Robinson was guilty, and, following the honorable route that would eventually lead to the dueling ground, sent a message to Robinson through his friends, demanding that he either confirm or deny his complicity.
With these and similar tales he was entertaining his English friends, all of whom he was seeing when he was not showing Blackman the sights of London and its environs.
His `` articulate Jewish friends '' convinced him that education ( read `` reading '' ) was `` a must ''.
He thought how this dainty, fragile older woman threading her way through the streets of Westminster on a day in June, enjoying the flowers in the shops, the greetings from old friends, but never really drawing a deep, passionate breath, was so like himself.
And of course the news of who the composer was did finally begin to get around among his closest friends.
But at the end of the sitting, when Michelangelo showed him the quick, free drawings, with the mother roughed in, holding her son, the model grasped what Michelangelo was after, and promised to speak to his friends.
'' and others concerning camp friends who resided in her suburban neighborhood,, and news of her commencing again her piano lessons, her private school, a visit to Boston to see her grandparents and an uncle who was a surgeon returned on furlough, wounded, from the war in Europe.
The kiss outraged our friends but it was done and meanwhile had released in me all the remote, exciting premonitions of lust, all the mysterious sensations that I had imagined a truly consummated kiss would convey to me.
I felt superior to the neighborhood friends I was leaving behind, felt older than my years, and was full of compliments for myself as I headed into the subway that was carrying its packs of passengers out of that dull borough and into the unstable, tantalizing excitement of Manhattan.
Other hitters bloomed with more or less vigor in the news and a few even dared to dream of matching Ruth, who was still called Jidge by all his friends, or Leo or Two-Head by those who dared to taunt him ( Leo was the name of the ball player he liked the least ) and who called most of the world `` Kid ''.
Mr. Simpkins is a resident of Somerset county, and he and the Governor, also a Somerset countian, have been friends since Mr. Simpkins was a child.
He could be lavishly generous with friends, cab drivers and bellboys, but with dealers he was tough.

was and with
Gavin's stallion was in the barn and he tightened the cinches over the saddle blanket, working by touch in the darkness, comforting the animal with easy words.
Cabot turned back to the men and he was drunk with the thing they would do, wild to break from the cloying warmth of the saloon into the cold of the ebbing night.
Gavin's face was bloodless with excitement.
Still, I was disgusted with myself for agreeing with Montero's methods.
His mouth was open, his neck corded with the strain of his screams.
Out in front of our walls the grass was covered with dead and dying men, war shields, lances, blankets and wounded and dead horses.
The morning air was filled with the sweetish odor of new-spilled blood, the acrid stench of frightened horses, and the bitterness of burned powder.
Above me a dark rider was whipping his pony with a quirt in an attempt to hurdle the bales.
He was shaking with anger, his breath coming in long, painful gasps.
The town was about what Wilson expected: one main street with its rows of false-fronted buildings, a water tower, a few warehouses, a single hotel ; ;
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
He was a man in his late forties, with graying hair, of medium height ; ;
It was partially cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before the onslaught of the powerful streams, the force of a thousand fire hoses, and with the gold it held washed down through the long sluices.
The man was tall, thin, with a narrow face and a too-large nose.
The ground was covered with soft pine needles and the slope was gentle.
Was it not possible, after all, that the forest was in league with her and her child that its sympathy lay with the Culvers that she had erred in failing to understand this??
She regarded them as signs that she was nearing the glen she sought, and she was glad to at last be doing something positive in her unenunciated, undefined struggle with the mountain and its darkling inhabitants.
Having persisted too long in deliberate ignorance and denial of the forces that threatened her, Pamela was relieved now to admit their potency and to be taking definite steps toward grappling with them.
Unconcerned, indifferent, unmotivated, the forest was simply there -- fighting man's depredations with more abundant growth and man's follies with its own musical evening laughter.
He was handsome, with his coal-black hair and eyes, his fine-chiseled features.

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