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Page "Bonapartism (epithet)" ¶ 6
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is and difficult
Whether a concept analogous to the principle of internal responsibility operates in a nation's external relations is less obvious and more difficult to establish.
seeing an aborigine today is a difficult thing.
It is perhaps difficult to conceive, but imagine that tonight on London bridge the Teddy boys of the East End will gather to sing Marlowe, Herrick, Shakespeare, and perhaps some lyrics of their own.
Presenting an individualized Negro character, it would seem, is one of the most difficult assignments a Southern writer could tackle ; ;
It is much less difficult now than in Lincoln's day to see that on both sides sovereign Americans had given their lives in the Civil War to maintain the balance between the powers they had delegated to the States and to their Union.
It is difficult to reconstruct the primeval fears of man.
And Zen Buddhism, though it is extremely difficult to understand how these internal contradictions are reconciled, helps them in their struggle to achieve personal salvation through sexual release.
The release, the freedom, involved in loving another is either terribly difficult or else absolutely impossible ; ;
moreover, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between the two.
The making of distinctions, like the perception of the great distinctions made, is an inordinately difficult business.
Since civilizational change is the most difficult to perceive and analyze, it seldom is given adequate attention.
It is more difficult with Faulkner than with most authors to say what is the extent and what is the source of his knowledge.
It seems quite obvious that all the really difficult tasks of human beings arise from the fact that man is not one, but many.
The problem is rather to find out what is actually happening, and this is especially difficult for the reason that `` we are busily being defended from a knowledge of the present, sometimes by the very agencies -- our educational system, our mass media, our statesmen -- on which we have had to rely most heavily for understanding of ourselves ''.
But however we come, finally, to explain and account for the present, the truth we are trying to expose, right now, is that the makers of constitutions and the designers of institutions find it difficult if not impossible to anticipate the behavior of the host of all their enterprises.
It is not difficult to anticipate circumstances in which negative tensions will cumulate ; ;
In the wide range of experiences common to our earth-bound race none is more difficult to manage, more troublesome, and more enduring in its effects than the control of love and hate.
Accordingly we may speak of the Platonism peculiar to Shelley's poems or the type of Stoicism present in Henley's `` Invictus '', and we may find that describing such Platonism or such Stoicism and contrasting each with other expressions of the same attitude or mode of thought is a difficult and challenging enterprise.
It is difficult to say what Thompson expected would come of their relationship, which had begun so soon after his emotions had been stirred by Maggie Brien, but when Katie wrote on April 11, 1900, to tell him that she was to be married to the Rev. Godfrey Burr, the vicar of Rushall in Staffordshire, the news evidently helped to deepen his discouragement over the failure of his hopes for a new volume of verse.
This, naturally, will be difficult to do since both the archaeological and place-name evidence in this period, with some fortunate exceptions, is insufficient for precise chronological purposes.

is and believe
Actually, she is a sad beauty, I believe.
Most of them sincerely believe that the Anglo-Saxon is the best race in the world and that it should remain pure.
they will destroy the shrines, temples, museums, and churches of the state that is the implacable enemy of the life they believe in.
It is to say rather, I believe, that he has brought to bear on the history, the traditions, and the lore of his region a critical, skeptical mind -- the same mind which has made of him an inveterate experimenter in literary form and technique.
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.
For innocence, of all the graces of the spirit, is I believe the one most to be prayed for.
Speaking as a non-Jew I believe that its primary contribution is in the realm of future policy.
If we are to believe the list of titles printed in Malraux's latest book, La Metamorphose Des Dieux, Vol. 1 ( ( 1957 ), he is still engaged in writing a large novel under his original title.
Only a native New Yorker could believe that New York is now or ever was a literary center.
More important is the simple human point that all men suffer, and that it is a kind of anthropological-religious pride on the part of the Jew to believe that his suffering is more poignant than mine or anyone else's.
But competent observers believe he is making progress, particularly toward what Sen. Jackson lists as the primary need -- `` a clearer understanding of where our vital national interests lie and what we must do to promote them ''.
We believe that autism, like so many other conditions of defect and deviation, is to a large extent inborn.
I believe it is an area in which professional planners have failed to set adequate guide posts ; ;
As Sir Giles Overreach ( how often had he had to play that part, who did not believe a word of it ), he raised his arm and declaimed: `` Where is my honour now ''??
It is not a medieval mental quirk or an attitude `` unnourished by sense '' to believe that husbands and wives should not be subjected to such a risk, or that such a possibility should not be permitted to endanger the confidentiality of the marriage relationship.
I believe a further gain is in prospect for 1961.
I therefore believe it is realistic to assume a modest drop in the total value of home entertainment electronics to about $1.8 million, slightly below 1960, but above 1959.
While this may well be true in general, I believe it is also important to keep in mind that some recent developments suggest that over the next year or so military electronics may be one of the most strongly growing areas in an economy which is not expanding rapidly in other directions.
The architects do not believe that the education of the interior designer is sufficiently good or sufficiently extended to compare with that of the architect and that, therefore, the interior designer is incapable of understanding the architectural principles involved in planning the interior of a building.
My unscientific friend does not believe that human stature is measurable in terms of speed, momentum, weightlessness, or distance from earth, but is a matter of the development of the human mind.

is and even
The sambur buck, the jungle stag that is even more noble than the Scottish elk.
He even hunted elephant, although the Asian elephant is not quite as ferocious as his African cousin.
A third, one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs.
National responsibility for individual welfare is a concept not limited to the United States or even to the Western nations.
It is said that, even at the present stage of Southern urbanization, such a city as Atlanta is not distinctly unlike Columbus or Trenton.
Truman Capote is still reveling in Southern Gothicism, exaggerating the old Southern legends into something beautiful and grotesque, but as unreal as -- or even more unreal than -- yesterday.
As his disciples boast, even though his emphasis is elsewhere, Faulkner does show his awareness of the changing order of the South quite keenly, as can be proven by a quick recalling of his Sartoris and Snopes families.
Yet his concern even here is with a slowly changing socio-economic order in general, and he never deals with such specific aspects of this change as the urban and industrial impact.
The thousands of city migrants who desert the farms yearly must readjust with even greater stress and tension: the sacred wilderness is gradually surrendering to suburbs and research parks and industrial areas.
The `` approximate '' is important, because even after the order of the work has been established by the chance method, the result is not inviolable.
Yet often fear persists because, even with the most rigid ritual, one is never quite free from the uneasy feeling that one might make some mistake or that in every previous execution one had been unaware of the really decisive act.
It is curious that even centuries of repetition of the yearly cycle did not induce a sufficient degree of confidence to allow people to abandon the ceremonies of the winter solstice.
It is screaming at you even in the taxis of London ''.
He will not curb his instinctual desires but release the energy within him that makes him feel truly and fully alive, even if it is only for this brief moment before the apocalypse of annihilation explodes on earth.
And the life they lead is undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish of devoting themselves to some creative pursuit -- writing, painting, music.
that is, he is suspect, guilty, punishable, as is anyone in Mann's stories who produces illusion, and this is true even though the constant elements of the artist-nature, technique, magic, guilt and suffering, are divided in this story between Jacoby and Lautner.
It appears that the dominant tendency of Mann's early tales, however pictorial or even picturesque the surface, is already toward the symbolic, the emblematic, the expressionistic.
But Aristotle kept the principle of levels and even augmented it by describing in the Poetics what kinds of character and action must be imitated if the play is to be a vehicle of serious and important human truths.
The presence of genuine mimesis in art is marked by the persistence with which the work demands attention and compels valuation even though it is but vaguely understood.

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