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Rabbi and Lamm
Rabbi Norman Lamm ( the Chancellor, Rosh Yeshiva of the yeshiva ", and former president of Yeshiva University, a major Modern Orthodox Jewish institution ) advocated that some ( although not all ) homosexuals should be viewed as diseased and in need of compassion and treatment, rather than willful rebels who should be ostracized.
Rabbi Norman Lamm, one of the leaders of Modern Orthodoxy and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, opposes giving semicha to women.
Rabbi Norman Lamm writes:
Richard M. Joel is Yeshiva University's president, while Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm serves as chancellor.
* Some Comments on Centrist Orthodoxy ( JPEG ) Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
* Modern Orthodoxy and Its Future, Rabbi Norman Lamm
In the 1980s Orthodox Rabbi Norman Lamm, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University, along with other American and Israeli Orthodox rabbis, worked with Conservative and Reform rabbis to come up with solution to the " Who is a Jew?
" again arose in the State of Israel, and Orthodox leaders such as Rabbi Norman Lamm publicly backed the Neeman commission, a group of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform rabbis working to develop joint programs for conversion to Judaism.
His critique of Modern Orthodox Judaism has been commented on by many, including Hillel Halkin, columnist for the New York Sun ; Andrew Silow-Carroll, editor of the New Jersey Jewish News ; Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union ; Rabbi Shalom Carmy, tenured professor of Jewish philosophy at Yeshiva University ; Rabbi Norman Lamm, chancellor of Yeshiva University ;, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach ; Gary Rosenblatt, editor of Jewish Week, the editorial board of the Jewish Press ; Rabbis Ozer Glickman and Aharon Kahn, roshei yeshiva at Yeshiva University ; Ami Eden, Executive Editor of The Forward ; Rabbi David M. Feldman, author of Where There's Life, There's Life ; and Jonathan Rosenblum, columnist for the Jerusalem Post.
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, former chancellor of Yeshiva University, has also written on this subject, asserting that if the existence of extraterrestrial life should be confirmed, religious scholars must revise previous assumptions to the contrary.
As articulated by Rabbi Norman Lamm, in a widely quoted paragraph:
" In fact, in his book, Rabbi Lamm explores six separate models of Torah Umadda, including those presented by Maimonides, Samson Raphael Hirsch, and Abraham Isaac Kook.
" In the words of Rabbi Lamm, " Torah Umadda does not imply ... coequality.
The actual philosophy underlying the combination of Torah and secular wisdom at Yeshiva University was variously articulated, first by Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel, by his successors Rabbi Dr. Samuel Belkin and Rabbi Dr. Joseph Soloveitchik, and most recently, and formally, by Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm.
* Some Comments on Centrist Orthodoxy ( JPG ) Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
*" Torah Umadda: The Encounter of Religious Learning and Worldly Knowledge in the Jewish Tradition ", Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm, Jason Aronson, 1990.

Rabbi and wanted
Rabbi Chaim Noach Levin also wrote in his notes on Megillas Yuchsin that he heard directly from Rabbi Yosef Shaul Halevi, the head of the Rabbinical court of Lemberg, that when he wanted to go see the remains of the Golem, the sexton of the Alt-Neu Shul said that Rabbi Yechezkel Landau had advised against going up to the attic after he himself had gone up.
After Rabbi Yitzchak Meir's death in 1866, his Hasidim wanted his eighteen-year old grandson, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter, to succeed him.
Rabbi Eliashiv wanted the five MKs to have a three-month " waiting period " before accepting jobs in the government.
In 2002, there was a big controversy at this congregation, for many members of the community wanted to allow women to be called up to the Torah, which, while supported by a then-recent legal argument by Rabbi Mendel Shapiro, is opposed by many Rabbis for halakhic and sociological reasons.
He made certain that any necessary relief work on Shabbat for Jews was done by Jews ; some wanted such work to be done on Shabbat by non-Jews, but Rabbi Salanter held that both Jewish ethics and law mandated that the laws of the Torah must be put aside in order to save lives.
Rabbi Aharon Rokeach, known as the " Wonder Rebbe " was at the top of the Gestapo's " wanted list " of rabbis targeted for extradition and extermination during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
While studying in Slabodka, Rabbi Kamenetsky decided he wanted to spend a period in the Kelm Talmud Torah, famous for its focus on task and ability to avoid distraction.

Rabbi and be
The Masorti movement did not establish a presence in the United Kingdom until much later and came about largely because of a series of incidents known colletively as the " Jacobs affair ": Rabbi Louis Jacobs, a leading scholar of Anglo Jewry, joined the faculty of the Jews College, leaving his post as Rabbi of the New West End Synagogue, under the impression that he would eventually be made principal.
As Solomon Schechter noted, " however great the literary value of a code may be, it does not invest it with infallibility, nor does it exempt it from the student or the Rabbi who makes use of it from the duty of examining each paragraph on its own merits, and subjecting it to the same rules of interpretation that were always applied to Tradition ".
Each case must be decided individually, however, and the decision should lie with the pregnant woman, the man who impregnated her and their Rabbi.
* Hebrew Pronunciation, Rabbi Gil Student about how Hebrew should be pronounced in prayer, in accordance with Halakha and Poskim
The dissenters, who included Rabbi Joel Roth as well as a partial concurrence by Rabbi Daniel Nevins, argued for reaffirming the classical halakhic framework in which human decrees inform and often limit but never wholly abrogate law believed to be of Divine origin, stating that " we should acknowledge that God's law is beyond our authority to eliminate ", but should continue the traditional approach of applying strict evidentiary rules and presumptions that tend to render enforcement unlikely.
The spokesperson for Agudath Israel of America, Rabbi Avi Shafran, attacked the film with an article " Dissembling Before G-d ", maintaining that gay people can be cured through therapy, and that the movie is meant to promote homosexuality:
" Homosexual relationships today ," Rabbi Artson says, " should not be compared to the ancient world.
It was redacted 220 CE by Rabbi Yehudah haNasi when, according to the Talmud, the persecution of the Jews and the passage of time raised the possibility that the details of the oral traditions dating from Pharisaic times ( 536 BCE – 70 CE ) would be forgotten.
One must also note that in addition to redacting the Mishnah, Rabbi and his court also ruled on which opinions should be followed, though the rulings do not always appear in the text.
Originally she was believed to be either Rabbi Meir's wife mentioned above, or Rabbi Chaninyah's daughter mentioned above, however over the past 3-4 centuries Rabbinic scholars have realized that these generations do not correspond to Beruryah's law decisions, and life, therefore she today is just ' Beruryah ' and of heretofore unknown lineage.
In one case she paskinned din on " klaustra " a rare Greek word referring to an object, used in the Talmud, unfortunately Rabbi Yehudah Hanassi did not believe women could be credited with paskining din, as it says ' do not speak too much to women ' ( Tannah Rabbi Jesse the Galilean ), and therefore credited the law to Rabbi Joshua who may have been her father.
While Jacobs found that statement to be compatible with Orthodox Judaism, the Chief Rabbi condemned his views as denial of the divine origin of the Torah.
" In 1945 the Union of Orthodox Rabbis " formally assembled to excommunicate from Judaism what it deemed to be the community's most heretical voice: Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, the man who eventually would become the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism.
Among many Hasidic Jews, only hand-made shmurah matzah may be used, in accord with the opinion of Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, who ruled that machine-made matzoth were chametz.
However the non-Hasidic Haredi community of Jerusalem follows the custom that machine-made matzah may be used, with preference to the use of shmurah flour, in accordance with the ruling of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, who actually ruled that machine-made matzah may be preferable to hand made in some cases.
* Jewish introductions to classical theism, limited theism and process theology can be found in A Question of Faith: An Atheist and a Rabbi Debate the Existence of God ( Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1994, ISBN 1-56821-089-2 ) and The Case for God ( St. Louis: Chalice Press, 1991, ISBN 0-8272-0458-2 ), both written by Rabbi William E. Kaufman.

Rabbi and only
He is called Rabbi Abba only in the tannaitic literature ( for instance, Tosefta, Beitzah 1: 7 ), where a number of his sayings are preserved.
As far as we know, the Vilna Gaon is the only Rabbi who has actually claimed that he tried to create a Golem ; all such stories about other rabbis were told after their time.
In a ruling of importance for Orthodox women's capacity for legal self-protection under Jewish law, Haredi Rabbi Benzion Wosner, writing on behalf of the Shevet Levi Beit Din ( Rabbinical court ) of Monsey, New York, identified sexual harassment cases as coming under a class of exceptions to the traditional exclusion, under which " even children or women " have not only a right but an obligation to testify, and can be relied upon by a rabbinical court as valid witnesses:
The only reason given for the centuries old tradition that he was a vintner, being not true is that the soil in all of Troyes, is not optimal for wine growing grapes, claimed by the research of Rabbi Haym Solevetchik.
In a similar vein, Rabbi Akiva ( ca. 50 – ca. 135CE ), is said to have learned a new law from every et ( את ) in the Torah ( Talmud, tractate Pesachim 22b ); the word et is meaningless by itself, and serves only to mark the direct object.
Indeed, Rabbi Joseph Albo maintains that renunciation of the consumption of meat for reasons of concern for animal welfare is not only morally erroneous but even repugnant.
Rabbi Samuel S. Cohon wrote that " God as conceived by Judaism is not only the First Cause, the Creative Power, and the World Reason, but also the living and loving Father of Men.
Commentator Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote that the book is written as if Jeremiah not only heard as words but personally felt in his body and emotions the experience of what he prophesied:
In contrast to Kach and the ideas of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Moledet only advocates voluntary transfer.
Rabbi Bernhard stated that the only way for a member of the Lemba tribe to be recognized as a Jew is to undergo the formal Halakhic conversion process, after which they " would be welcomed with open arms.
Rabbi Yechiel Steinmetz's Eruv was functional only for that summer.
Rabbi Yisrael Yaaqob Alghazi and Rabbi Yomtob ben Yisrael Alghazi held that the observance of this mitzvah by women was not only permitted but actually commendable, since such diligence amongst the non-obligated would inspire these women's male relatives to be even more diligent in their own observance.
The teachings of the maggid are recorded in his published work titled Maggid Meisharim, although Rabbi Chaim Joseph David Azulai notes that only about one fiftieth of the manuscript was ever published, ( see Works ).
Rabbi Yona Ibn Janach ( Spain, 11th century ) wrote that God demanded only a symbolic sacrifice.
According to Soloveitchik's son Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik, Rabbi Soloveitchik only saw Rabbi Schneerson pass by in Berlin and they did not meet while there.
The second will gave the bulk of control to three senior Chabad rabbis, Rabbis Mindel, Pikarski and Hodakov ( contemporary of Rabbi Schneerson ) and gave Krinsky only a minor role.
* Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn ( 1880 – 1950 ), only son of Sholom Dovber, known as the " Rebbe Rayatz " or the " Frierdiker Rebbe " ( Yiddish: Previous Rebbe ).
He would only allude in the most general ways to other great mystics, in Hebrew mekubalim, such as the Baal Shem Tov ( founder of Hasidism ), the great mystic known as the Ari who lived in the late Middle Ages, the founder of Chabad Hasidism, the Baal HaTanya Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbitz and many other great Hasidic masters as well as to the great works of Kabbalah such as the Zohar.
Rabbi Yisroel Noach ( 1815 – 1883 ) of Nizhyn, although officially a Rebbe, had only a small following.
Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn was born in Lyubavichi, Russia, the only son of Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn ( the Rebbe Rashab ), the fifth Rebbe of Chabad.
Dov Ber later became an admirer of Rabbi Isaac Luria's system of Kabbalah, which was becoming popular at that time and was aware of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, whose writings, then only in manuscript, were well known among the Polish mystics of the period.

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