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Page "Shishapangma" ¶ 2
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Some Related Sentences

Since and is
Since the Supreme Court's decision of that year this is more doubtful ; ;
( Since the time-span of the nation-state coincides roughly with the separate existence of the United States as an independent entity, it is perhaps natural for Americans to think of the nation as representative of the highest form of order, something permanent and unchanging.
Since it is not far from Viareggio, he will visit Puccini's house, as he never fails to do, to pay his respects to the memory of the composer of La Boheme, which he considers one of Puccini's masterpieces.
Since attack serves to stimulate interest in broadcasts, I added to my opening statement a sentence in which I claimed that German youth seemed to lack the enthusiasm which is a necessary ingredient of anger, and might be classified as uninterested and bored rather than angry.
Since the air is a continuum, the network of communication remains intact regardless of the positions or motions of the points ( the people ) in the net.
Since the hazards of poor communication are so great, p can be justified as a habitable site only on the basis of unusual productivity such as is made available by a waterfall for milling purposes, a mine, or a sugar maple camp.
Since the difficulty of drawing the net is great, we will merely discuss it.
Since a civilizational crisis involves also a crisis in private interests and in the ruling class, reaction is normally found among those who feel themselves to be among the ruling class.
Since civilizational change is the most difficult to perceive and analyze, it seldom is given adequate attention.
Since the slogans have little application to reality and are sanctimonious to boot, the applause is faint even in areas of the world where we should expect to find the greatest affection for free government.
Since more is known about Quiney than about any other acquaintance of Shakespeare in Stratford, his career may be followed to its sudden end in 1602.
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
Since Laos is of no more purely military value to Moscow itself than it is to Washington, this approach might be expected to head off Mr. Khrushchev for the moment.
Since little is known about autism, and almost nothing has been written for the layman, we'd like to share one experienced mother's comments.
Since the work is done by hand, the only limitation, it is said, `` is that of human conception ''.
Since the apparatus is new, it requires experimentation and changes in technique.
Since the obvious is not always true, the Republican National Committee wisely analyzed its defeat of last autumn and finds that it occurred, as suspected, in the larger cities.
Since he has just shown who is top dog, he may not be ready to receive this highest honor in the gift of the Soviet people.
Since appeals to morality, to humanity, and to sanity have had such small effect, perhaps our last recourse is the deterrent example.
Since the goal of our international planners is a World Government, this Atlantic Community would mark a giant step in that direction for, once American economic autonomy is absorbed, a larger grouping is a question of time.

Since and on
Since his Christ was to be life size, how was Mary to hold him on her lap without the relationship seeming ungainly??
Since that time the demands of the citizens for new and expanded services have placed financial burdens on the state which could not have been foreseen in earlier years.
Since the validity of all subsequent planning depends on the accuracy of the basic inventory information, great care is being taken that the inventory is as complete as possible.
Since April 15, 1962, is on Sunday your return for the calendar year 1961 will be timely filed if it is filed on or before Monday, April 16, 1962.
Since you contributed more than half of his support, you may also claim an exemption for him on your return.
Since charges are relatively the same, reserving a car before you leave for Europe will assure you of having one on tap when you want it.
Since emotional reactions in the higher vertebrates depend on individual experience and are aroused in man, in addition, by complex symbols, one would expect that the hypothalamus could be excited from the cortex.
Since two curves of symbol Af on Q intersect in Af points, it follows that there are Af lines of Af which are tangent to Aj.
Since her bereavement this individual has reported to the writer on numerous occasions about how helpful the class discussions were to her in this adjustment crisis.
Since the details of the elections were settled the change of government had no direct effect on the technical aspects of the elections, and may have been more important as an indication of royal displeasure with the U.N.F.P.
Since on the one hand school desegregation has come in Virginia hand-in-glove with pupil assignment, shall we support the plan??
Since I have already discussed his moral position, that discussion is incorporated by reference into the following pages, which will focus on the empirical and analytic side of Fromm's treatment.
Since the earth is rotating and the unleveled gyro-stabilized platform is fixed with respect to a reference in space, an observer on the earth will see the platform rotating ( with respect to the earth ).
Since the psychiatric interview, like any other interview, depends on communication, it is significant to note that the therapist in this interview was a man of marked skill and long experience.
Since the change to better nutrition, he feels he can report on improvements in health, though he considers the following statements observations and not scientific proof.
Since 1949, the St. Louis club has been below on May 1 just four times.
Since the railroad cannot reduce the salary of individual union members under contract, it must accomplish its payroll reduction by placing some of the men on furlough, a B. & O. spokesman said.
( page 33 ) On the other hand, a little later on he says: `` Since 1692 a great but superficial change has wiped out God's beard and the Devil's horns, but the world is still gripped between two diametrically opposed absolutes.
Since the hero, a sterling and upright fellow, is a rich Brown senior, while two Yalies are cast as virtual rapists, I suppose I should disqualify myself from sitting in judgment on `` Where The Boys Are '', but I shall do nothing of the sort.
Since then and during the first decade, the results were given to newspapers for publication at 11 pm on the night of the awards.
Since then, it has focused on improving relationships with Western countries, cultivating links with other Portuguese-speaking countries, and asserting its own national interests in Central Africa through military and diplomatic intervention.
Since 1998, Angola has successfully worked with the United Nations Security Council to impose and carry out sanctions on UNITA.
Since membership is based on a province's communion with Canterbury, expulsion would require the Archbishop of Canterbury's refusal to be in communion with the affected jurisdiction ( s ).

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