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Page "Marxist philosophy" ¶ 42
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is and say
`` I realize that this is hardly the time to say it, Penny '', said Keith.
`` There isn't anything left to say, is there, Keith ''??
The enormous changes in world politics have, however, thrown it into confusion, so much so that it is safe to say that all international law is now in need of reexamination and clarification in light of the social conditions of the present era.
One's impulse is to say that the smell was a stink and unpleasant.
This is not to say that the South is no longer agrarian ; ;
One is tempted to say that, on the difference between the concepts of sovereignty in these two preambles, the worst war of the Nineteenth century was fought.
To my knowledge, Lincoln remains the only Head of State and Commander-in-Chief who, while fighting a fearful war whose issue was in doubt, proved man enough to say this publicly -- to give his foe the benefit of the fact that in all human truth there is some error, and in all our error, some truth.
It only means that there will be new form, and that this form will be of such a type that it admits the chaos and does not try to say that the chaos is really something else.
Harold Clurman is right to say that `` Waiting For Godot '' is a reflection ( he calls it a distorted reflection ) `` of the impasse and disarray of Europe's present politics, ethic, and common way of life ''.
Professionally a lawyer, that is to say associated with dignity, reserve, discipline, with much that is essentially middle-class, he is compelled by an impossible love to exhibit himself dressed up, disguised -- that is, paradoxically, revealed -- as a child, and, worse, as a whore masquerading as a child.
that is to say, to the churchyard ''.
Who will say that our country is even now a homogeneous community??
A man must be able to say, `` Father, I have sinned '', or there is no hope for him.
That is to say Gabriel's fundamental law had been so much modified by this time that it was neither fundamental nor law any more.
That is questionable, to say the least.
Thus, it is no mystical intuition, but an analyzable conception to say that man and his tradition can `` fall out of existence ''.
It is to say rather, I believe, that he has brought to bear on the history, the traditions, and the lore of his region a critical, skeptical mind -- the same mind which has made of him an inveterate experimenter in literary form and technique.
It is more difficult with Faulkner than with most authors to say what is the extent and what is the source of his knowledge.

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`` That is, if we can be sure this is Colcord's money '' --
For better or for worse, we all now live in welfare states, the organizing principle of which is collective responsibility for individual well-being.
It is well then that in this hour both of `` national peril '' and of `` national opportunity '' we can take counsel with the men who made the nation.
That, I thought, is at least one thing I can find out when we meet.
But it is characteristic of him, we are told, `` his little artifice '', to be able to introduce `` into a fairly vulgar and humorous piece of hackwork a sudden phrase of genuine creative art ''.
As a word of caution, we should be aware that in actual practice no message is purely one of the four types, question, command, statement, or exclamation.
This is an unsolved problem which probably has never been seriously investigated, although one frequently hears the comment that we have insufficient specialists of the kind who can compete with the Germans or Swiss, for example, in precision machinery and mathematics, or the Finns in geochemistry.
Since the difficulty of drawing the net is great, we will merely discuss it.
So we see that a specialist is a man who knows more and more about less and less as he develops, as contrasted to the generalist, who knows less and less about more and more.
What I am here to do is to report on the gyrations of the struggle -- a struggle that amounts to self-redefinition -- to see if we can predict its future course.
One of the obvious conclusions we can make on the basis of the last election, I suppose, is that we, the majority, were dissatisfied with Eisenhower conservatism.
One way to determine whether we have so dangerous a technology would be to check the strength of our society's organs to see if their functioning is as healthy as before.
In any event, whether society may have cancer, or merely a virus infection, the `` disease '', we shall find, is political, economical, social, and even medical.
We have proved so able to solve technological problems that to contend we cannot realize a universal goal in the immediate future is to be extremely shortsighted, if nothing else.
But is the result new barnsful of tested knowledge on the basis of which we can with confidence solve our domestic and international problems??
Man, we are told, is endowed with reason and is capable of distinguishing good from bad.
`` The Moral Creed '' and `` The Will To Risk '' live happily together, if we do not examine where the line is to be drawn.
So it is that we relive his opening statement in the first television address with the dramatic immediacy of the present.
As a means of silencing a discussion which ought to have taken place, the statement is an effective one: we sympathize with the universal confusion which gives rise to such convictions.
But because it is the function of the mind to turn the one into the other by means of the capacities with which words endow it, we do not unwisely examine the type of distinction, in the sphere of politics, on which decisions hang.
The liberal-conservative division, we might observe in passing, is not of itself directly involved in a private interest conflict nor even in struggle between ruling groups.
At that point we reach the `` closed '' historical situation: the situation in which man is no longer free to return to a status quo ante.

is and do
`` What is it you want me to do, Mr. Brenner ''??
`` All I have to do to set the record is to go on down.
It is not good, Mr. Waddell: you will do him great harm ''.
`` All right, if you can't do your arithmetic during school hours you can do it after school is out '', Miss Langford said firmly, not smiling.
It became the sole `` subject '' of `` international law '' ( a term which, it is pertinent to remember, was coined by Bentham ), a body of legal principle which by and large was made up of what Western nations could do in the world arena.
On Fridays, the day when many Persians relax with poetry, talk, and a samovar, people do not, it is true, stream into Chehel Sotun -- a pavilion and garden built by Shah Abbas 2, in the seventeenth century -- but they do retire into hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more humble copies of the former.
But more important, and the thing which the casual traveler and the blind sojourner often do not see, is that these places and activities are often the settings in which Persians exercise their extraordinary aesthetic sensibilities.
Since it is not far from Viareggio, he will visit Puccini's house, as he never fails to do, to pay his respects to the memory of the composer of La Boheme, which he considers one of Puccini's masterpieces.
So great a man could not but understand, too, that the thing that moves men to sacrifice their lives is not the error of their thought, which their opponents see and attack, but the truth which the latter do not see -- any more than they see the error which mars the truth they themselves defend.
He catches criminals not merely because he is paid to do so ( frequently he does not receive a fee at all ), but because he enjoys his work, because he firmly believes that murder must be punished.
The assumptions upon which the example shown in Figure 3 is based are: ( A ) One man can direct about six subordinates if the subordinates are chosen carefully so that they do not need too much personal coaching, indoctrinating, etc..
Incest is still a durable theme, but if it wants to get written about it will have to find ways to surprise the emotions, and there is no better way to do this than that of concealment and symbolic representation.
`` The Rocking Horse Winner '' is a fantasy with extraordinary power to disturb the reader -- but we do not know why.
Even if people do, in a not far distant future, begin to read one another's minds, there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man's mind is especially worth reading -- worth more, that is, than what you can read in good books.
The first thing to do is get her some money by a temporary but definite adjustment pending a final disposition of the case.
When I take over Taliesin, the first thing I'll do is fire you ''.
Not for a moment do we forget that our own fate is firmly fastened to that of these countries ; ;
I do not know that this is true ; ;

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