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is and at
It is possible, although highly doubtful, that he killed none at all but merely let his reputation work for him by privately claiming every unsolved murder in the state.
Actually, only two men know what the formula is, Blake and '' -- He stopped and looked at Thor's body.
The artist looks at an ankle, a calf, a bosom and, in his mind's eye, the clothes drop away and he sees her as she really is.
Meredith was irritated when the Grafin knocked at his door and told him, `` She is a great beauty!!
`` That tub is going to explode all at once ''.
But there is no use causing him to worry at this time ''.
since Bourbon whiskey, though of Kentucky origin, is at least as much favored by liberals in the North as by conservatives in the South.
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
A third, one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs.
It is one of the ironic quirks of history that the viability and usefulness of nationalism and the territorial state are rapidly dissipating at precisely the time that the nation-state attained its highest number ( approximately 100 ).
Already accidental war is a silent guest at the discussions within the Kennedy Administration about the urgency of disarmament and nearly all other questions of national security.
They include the Navy's Atlantic Command at Norfolk, Virginia, which is in contact with the Polaris subs ; ;
Others are confined to vast reservations, and not only does the Australian government justifiably not wish them to be viewed as exhibits in a zoo, but on their reservations they are extremely fugitive, shunning camps, coming together only for corroborees at which their strange culture comes to its highest pitch -- which is very low indeed.
Idje, here '', and he nodded at the man, `` is said to have great odor.
Nowhere in Isfahan is this rich aesthetic life of the Persians shown so well as during the promenade at the Khaju bridge.
Here, on the hottest day, it is cool beneath the stone and fresh from the water flowing in the sluices at the bottom of the vaults.
And it is expressed, at least to their taste, in a perfect form.
That, at any rate, is what happens at the Khaju bridge.
It is said that, even at the present stage of Southern urbanization, such a city as Atlanta is not distinctly unlike Columbus or Trenton.
We are desperately in the need of such invention, for man is still very much at the mercy of man.
That, I thought, is at least one thing I can find out when we meet.
But it is different at Chartres.

is and all
That's really all he's got, all he is.
this is not so, for education offers all kinds of dividends, including how to pull the wool over a husband's eyes while you are having an affair with his wife.
Ballet dancer: Protests, tears, and `` take what you want, Nicolas, I am a dancer, you are a poet, it is all beautiful ''.
And all the time, she had the heat of hatred in her, like charcoal that is burning on its under side, but not visibly.
With all respect to a fine young man, Mr. Roy is not able to provide these necessaries ''.
The enormous changes in world politics have, however, thrown it into confusion, so much so that it is safe to say that all international law is now in need of reexamination and clarification in light of the social conditions of the present era.
For better or for worse, we all now live in welfare states, the organizing principle of which is collective responsibility for individual well-being.
Work is under way to see whether new restraining devices should be installed on all nuclear weapons.
The stink is all the same to me, but I really think they can make one another out blindfolded ''.
Poetry in Persian life is far more than a common ground on which -- in a society deeply fissured by antagonisms -- all may stand.
Each mode is believed to have a specific attribute -- one inducing pleasure, another generosity, another love, and so on, to include all of the emotions.
`` As my wife puts it '', he said, again with a twinkle in his eyes, `` all you know is your music.
`` I have just come from viewing a man who had made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family '', he reflected.
Westbrook further bemoans the Southern writers' creation of an unreal image of their homeland, which is too readily assimilated by both foreign readers and visiting Yankees: `` Our northerner is suspicious of all this crass evidence ( of urbanization ) presented to his senses.
To my knowledge, Lincoln remains the only Head of State and Commander-in-Chief who, while fighting a fearful war whose issue was in doubt, proved man enough to say this publicly -- to give his foe the benefit of the fact that in all human truth there is some error, and in all our error, some truth.
Lucretius has remarked: `` The reason why all Mortals are so gripped by fear is that they see all sorts of things happening in the earth and sky with no discernable cause, and these they attribute to the will of God ''.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.

is and uncommon
This is very uncommon ''.
Muscle weakness is now recognized as an uncommon though serious complication of steroid therapy, with most of the synthetic adrenal corticosteroids in clinical use.
There is much to be said for a college that, while happily attuned to the sophisticated Ivies, still gives its students a chance to get up early in the morning and drive along back roads where a glimpse of small game, deer, or even bear is not uncommon.
By no means do all Jews today believe in reincarnation, but belief in reincarnation is not uncommon among many Jews, including Orthodox.
One uncommon alternative is " Usonian ", which usually describes a certain style of residential architecture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Other uncommon colors include red amber ( sometimes known as " cherry amber "), green amber, and even blue amber, which is rare and highly sought after.
Arrays can have multiple dimensions, thus it is not uncommon to access an array using multiple indices.
The Awakened Nymph is another work of uncommon beauty.
It is not at all uncommon to find raw fish listed next to tortillas on the same menu.
This is not too uncommon in red giants, but Arcturus has a particularly strong case of the phenomenon.
In fact, it is not uncommon for cross stitch patterns to be beaded in peyote stitch technique.
This is known as a sacrifice, and is not uncommon if both sides are contesting the final contract.
An early uncommon means of boat propulsion was referred to as the water caterpillar which is similar in construction to paddles on a conveyor belt and preceded the development of tracked vehicles such as military tanks and earth moving equipment.
Nothing is actually required-beyond suitable comfortable and flexible clothing-and it is not uncommon to see people bouldering with just climbing shoes, a chalk bag, and a crash mat.
It is not uncommon for players to deliver a " wrong bias " shot from time to time and see their carefully aimed bowl crossing neighbouring rinks rather than heading towards their jack.
Agrobacterium-like conjugation is also primarily used for dicots, but monocot recipients are not uncommon.
Due to the large size of the contrabass's strings, it is not uncommon to see players using plectrums made from a leather shoe or boot heel.
Most pop standard and jazz ballads are built from a single, introductory verse ; usually around 16 bars in length, and ending on the dominant ; the chorus or refrain, usually it is 16 or 32 bars long, and in AABA form ( though other forms such as ABAC are not uncommon ).
It is not uncommon for long queues to form early in the morning of 26 December, hours before the opening of shops holding the big sales, especially at big-box consumer electronics retailers.
This is an uncommon form of plague that resembles tonsillitis found in cases of close contact of patients with other forms of plague.
It is not uncommon for video games with a large variety of enemies ( especially role-playing video games ) to include a bestiary of sorts.
It is not uncommon for the bass guitar to be hard to hear or to homophonically follow the bass lines of the guitar.

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